Our distributors
- Australia
- Australia
- Belgium
- Brazil
- Bulgaria
- Canada
- Canada
- Colombia
- Cyprus (EU)
- Czech Republic & Slovakia
- Denmark
- Finland
- France
- France
- France
- Egypt
- Germany
- Greece
- Hong Kong
- Hungary
- India
- Italy
- Japan
- The Netherlands
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Russia
- Singapore
- Slovenia
- South Africa
- South Korea
- Spain
- Sweden & Norway
- Norway
- Switzerland
- Taiwan
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- United Kingdom
- Fun To Do - the Netherlands
Gizmo 3D Printers is our distributor for Australia.
hey are the producers of a range of DLP printers ranging from small to ultra large!
You can contact them at: info@gizmo3dprinters.com.au
3Dogg Belgium is our distributor for Belgium. Besides selling our resins, they have the largest collection of resins in Europe.
Rocha3D is our reseller for Brazil, They have a small suite of our products in stock. They are also the producer of their own DLP 3D Printer.
For more information and orders, you can reach them at: Rommel0210@hotmail.com
3D-BG is our distributor for Bulgaria. They currently concentrate on solely selling our resins.
Contact: 3d-bg@mail.ru
CreativeCadworks is our distributor for Canada. Besides being active in the field of CAD designing for the last 6 years, they are now distributing our resins in Canada. They also sell Miicraft 3D printers. The Miicraft printer is is a perfect match for all our blends, and is officially certified for use with our resins.
You can reach them at sales@creativecadworks.ca
Spool3D is a reseller of FunToDo resins in Canada. Besides selling our products they also sell a range of FDM and resin printers in Canada. They have their own line of filament. They are also a great source for DIY parts.
You can reach them at sales@spool3d.ca
ProtoLab 3D is the FunToDo distributor for Colombia. They have our complete product range in stock.
They are also the official distributors of the mUVe DLP printer. Besides that they also produce FDM 3D printers.
You can contact them at: info@protolab3d.co
Cyprus (EU)
rdGizmo For You LTD is our distributor in the European part of Cyprus. They also produce their own 3D printer the Ilios. Recently they have come up with a revolutionary sla new printer design. Read all about it on the technical details page of the Ilios Ray. You can contact them at info@ilios3d.com
3D-Print is our distributor for Denmark besides selling our resins they also sell parts for your selfbuild 3D printer.
FR3Dprint is reseller for France. They have our complete range of products in stock.
Fr3Dprint is run by a very enthusiastic DIY DLP printer developer. He has been Fun To Do resin tester from the first hour!
You can contact him through: fr3dprint@gmail.com
3D-Expert.fr is Reseller for France, besides our resins they also sell a number of popular 3D printers
Rapid Solid Part is our distributor for Egypt. Besides covering Egypt, they form our entry point for Africa and the Middle East. They have developed an affordable DLP printer, focussing on the professional market. They are also offering 3D scanning and 3D printing services. For ordering & information, contact them at: info@raspart.com
Burms is reseller for Germany
Besides selling our resins, they advice and sell high end 3D printers.
Enoworx is our distributor for Greece.
They are the specialists on 3d Printing in Greece. You can buy our products through their shop:Layers
You can reach them by email: konstantinos.pap@enoworx.gr or by phone: +30 211 800 5885
Hong Kong
3DMart HK is our reseller for Hong Kong and Macau. Besides a (small) selection of FunToDo products, 3DMart HK supplies also other 3d printing products and supplies.
Besides the complete range of Fun To Do products our distributor for Hungary Protokat, also offers rapid prototyping, reverse engineering, CAD and product design, and the sales of 3d printing products. To order contact: info@protokat.com
MakeMendel is our distributor for India, they have all our products in stock.
Besides distributing our products, they have an online store of 3D Printers and 3D Accessories, Filaments and Resins.
They also offer workshops.
MakeMendel is a 3D printer manufacturer based in Mumbai, INDIA. You can contact them at support@makemendel.com
Lumi Industries are the distributors for Italy.
They are the Makers of the Lumi Pocket, the smallest 3D printer in the world!
To order our products, you can contact them at info@lumindustries.com
NSS is our distributor for Japan. They have all our products in stock. NSS sells FTD resin and FDM / DLP3d printers and also, the FTD resin samples are on display in the NSS Tokyo showroom, so you can visit anytime.
You can reach them through info@nssndt.com
The Netherlands
3Dogg is our official Distributor for the Netherlands. Located on the border with Germany makes it the ideal partner for us. They are also our official representatives for the German Universities.
Besides selling our complete SLA/DLP product range, they also specialize in High-end speciality filaments like Graphene, Peek, and Medical filaments. You can contact them at info@3dogg.com or by phone: +31 6 22 395 762 (German, Dutch and English spoken)
SEB-Comp is our distributor for Poland.
Besides selling our resins they sell various popular SLA/DLP/DPP printers
Dental Wave is our representative for Dentifix-3D in Portugal.
they are supplier of a wide range of high end dental products.
You can contact them through their website: Contact Dental Wave
FormWerk is our distributor for Romania. Besides selling our resins, they serve the 3D printing DIY community, commercial and industrial clients with first class products and services.
You can contact them through: info@formwerk.ro
FunToDo.ru is our official distributor for Russia. Besides selling our resins, they sell various well known SLA and DLP/LCD 3D printers. You can reach them at: info@funtodo.ru
3D printing Materials Store is our official Distributor for Singapore. Besides al our FunToDo resins they are also well stocked in filaments and filament printers.
You can order all our products directly from their store.
South Africa
Liquid3D, our distributor for South Africa and nearby African countries.
Besides distributing our resins they also provide support, courses and In-depth information on SLA based printing and setup requirements. You can reach them by email: david@liquid3d.co.za or by phone: 083 279 0286
Their address: 229 Short Road, Muldersdrift, 1747, Johannesburg
South Korea
DDI is our new distributor for South Korea. DDI a well known filament reseller in South Korea has expanded their product range with our resins.
As of now, you can order our products directly and locally from their website.
You can contact them through email: ickhwan2@naver.com
domoTek is our official Distributor for Spain. They have our complete range of products in stock. You can order all of our products directly from their store. Besides selling our resins they also provide a 3D prototype service.
You can contact them at info@domotek.es or through their contact page.
Sweden & Norway
Fixas Lifelike Creations, our distributor for Sweden and Norway.
Besides selling exclusively Fun To Do resins, they do design, prototype development and special effects for the film industries. They also have experience in building both FDM and DLP printers and will gladly advice consumers on their own DIY builds. You can contact them at info@fixas.se
Creative 3D is our distributor for Norway
Besides selling all our resins the also are retailer of various 3D printers. Bent LInde (CEO) is very knowledgable about the use of our resins on their printers. So if you need support finding your way, this is the place to go to.
You can reach them at: kundeservice@creative3d.no
CADPRINT is our distributor for Switzerland. Besides all our FunToDo resins the also distribute several printers amongst them the mUVe printer which is certified by us for use with our resin. They provide 3D printservices, printer consumables, courses and all other 3D printer related activities. You can contact them at: info@cadprint.ch
3DMart is our distributor for Taiwan (R.O.C). Being focused on high quality 3D Printing materials they represent top level European, USA and Asian brands of filaments, resins and 3D printers. You can contact them at: client@3dmart.com.tw
Vulkantech is our official Distributor for Turkey. They specialize in dental solutions.
You can reach them at info@vulcan-3d.com
3D Printer.org.ua is our distributor for the Ukraine.
Besides selling our resins, they also sell filaments and 3D printers.
United Kingdom
PeeDie Models is Our official and Fully Dedicated distributor for the United Kingdom. Besides having the full range of the FunToDo products in stock. They are very active in the Design and Development of Miniature Railway models and accessories. They also offer a 3D printing service. You can reach them at sales@peediemodels.com or by phone: +44 (0)1856 252510
FilamentOne is a major reseller for the United States of America.
Besides selling Fun To Do resins, they specialise in reselling and the manufactoring of 3D Printer materials.
Fun To Do - the Netherlands
For all countries not listed in our distributorslist, you can contact us directly at: Info@funtodo.net.
Is your country not in the list, and are you involved in 3D printing in your country? Would you like to be part of this success story?
Becoming a distributor might be just for you!